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Gueuze, Fruit & Faro

3 fonteinen geuze
3 fonteinen geuze armand & gaston
3 fonteinen old cherry
Bacchus raspberry
Bacchus cherry
Barbar red
Barbe ruby
Belgian cherry

Belle-vue raspberry 
Belle-vue geuze
Belle-vue cherry classique
Belle-vue cherry extra
Blanche de namur rosé
Bon secours blueberry
Boon cherry
Boon faro
Boon mariage parfait cherry
Boon mariage parfait geuze
Boon old geuze
Boon old geuze black label
Boon vat 109 geuze
Botteresse apple

Botteresse cherry
Brett-elle geuze
Bush peach
Bush raspberry (Frambush)
Cantillon Cuvée Saint-Gilloise (limited)
Cantillon Cherry
Cantillon Fou'foune (limited)
Cantillon grand cru bruocsella (limited)
Cantillon Gueuze 100% lambic bio (limited)
Cantillon Iris (limited)
Cantillon Nath (limited)
Cantillon rosé de gambrinus (limited)
Cantillon St Lamvinus (limited)
Chapeau apricot
Chapeau banana
Chapeau cherry
Chapeau exotic
Chapeau lemon
Chapeau mirabelle
Chapeau peach
Chapeau raspberry
Chapeau strawberry

Chérie raspberry
Chouffe cherry
Cuvée de ranke
De ranke cherry
Delirium red
Duchesse cherry
Duchesse chocolate cherry
Eylenbosch geuze
Eylenbosch cherry
Fagnes blood orange
Floris apple
Floris cherry
Floris mango
Floris ninkeberry
Floris passion

Floris raspberry
Floris strawberry
Fort lapin cherry
Gauloise red fruit
Girardin faro
Girardin geuze filtered
Girardin geuze unfiltered
Grisette forest fruits
Hanssens old gueuze
Hanssens old cherry
Hoegaarden rosé
Horal's old geuze
Jungle joy
Kasteel red
La corne with fruit
Leffe ruby
Liefmans fruitesse
Liefmans cherry brut
Liefmans yelloh
Lindemans apple
Lindemans cassis
Lindemans cherry

Lindemans cherry cuvée rené
Lindemans cuvée rené
Lindemans faro

Lindemans ginger geuze
Lindemans gueuze
Lindemans peach

Lindemans raspberry
Lindemans spontan basil old geuze
Max cherry
Max rosé
Mongozo banana
Mongozo coconut
Mongozo mango
Moriau geuze
Mort subite cherry
Mort subite geuze
Mort subite old cherry
Mort subite old geuze
Oud beersel old geuze

Oud beersel raspberry
Oud beersel old cherry
Oud beersel old geuze Vandervelden 135
Pink killer
Petrus aged red
Queue de charrue red fruits
Rince cochon red
Rodenbach fruitage
Silly red fruits
St Louis fond tradition cherry
St Louis fond tradition geuze
St Louis cherry
St Louis geuze
St Louis peach
St Louis raspberry
Ter dolen cherry
Tilquin old geuze
Timmermans cherry
Timmermans faro
Timmermans geuze
Timmermans old cherry
Timmermans old geuze
Timmermans peach
Timmermans raspberry

© 2017 by De Biertempel BRUSSEL | Grasmarkt 56b, 1000 Brussel | Tel: 02/502.19.06 | BE535.473.454 | De Reyghere Liesbet |

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